Area Code 670
Other option is you can choose a number prefix to take a look for the details for these phone numbers.
Area Code | Company | Line |
670-858-xxxx | Wave Runner Llc | Wireless |
670-682-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-788-xxxx | Pti Pacifica Inc. | Landline |
670-484-xxxx | Guam Cell & Paging Dba Saipan Cellular & Paging | Other |
670-321-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-878-xxxx | Choice Phone Llc Dba Iconn | Wireless |
670-989-xxxx | Guam Cell & Paging Dba Saipan Cellular & Paging | Other |
670-285-xxxx | Pti Pacifica Inc. | Landline |
670-868-xxxx | Choice Phone Llc Dba Iconn | Wireless |
670-288-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-433-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-233-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-234-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-287-xxxx | Pti Pacifica Inc. | Landline |
670-286-xxxx | Pti Pacifica Inc. | Landline |
670-235-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-483-xxxx | Guam Cell & Paging Dba Saipan Cellular & Paging | Other |
670-532-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-322-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-237-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-323-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-789-xxxx | Pti Pacifica Inc. | Landline |
670-898-xxxx | Choice Phone Llc Dba Iconn | Wireless |
670-256-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-588-xxxx | Guam Cell & Paging Dba Saipan Cellular & Paging | Other |
670-555-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-328-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-488-xxxx | Guam Cell & Paging Dba Saipan Cellular & Paging | Other |
670-888-xxxx | Choice Phone Llc Dba Iconn | Wireless |
670-236-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-664-xxxx | Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. | Landline |
670-838-xxxx | Wave Runner Llc | Wireless |
670-848-xxxx | Wave Runner Llc | Wireless |
Details for area code (670) has the local exchanges. Know more information about certain phone number by clicking your desired exchange.
Area Code 670 Teritorry
Northern Mariana Islands (the former country code for this present Commonwealth of the United States that includes Saipan, Tinian, and Rota)